
Christmas 2008

Wheeewwwww.........Christmas this year came and went in such a rush!! Isaac had a very good Christmas and we got to spend time with everyone in the family. Christmas for us started last weekend. We went to my Dad's (PaPa Murf and Mama Hope) last Friday night for both a late Thanksgiving and early Christmas. As soon as we got there, Isaac found the stairs and of course, wanted to play on them the whole time!

Isaac loves his PaPa Murf, as you can tell. They were reading one of the books that Isaac got for Christmas.

As you can tell, Isaac had a big time and it was good to spend time with Dad, Hope, and Amanda over the weekend. We'll hopefully be back to visit them again soon!!

As for Christmas, we did things a little bit different this year. I have always stayed at my Mom's house on Christmas Eve and then gone to my Dad's later on in the day on Christmas Day. Darren and I agreed that we wanted Isaac to wake up Christmas morning at his own house so he could see what Santa brought him. So here's what we came up with. Like I said earlier, we went to my Dad's the weekend before Christmas and did Christmas with them. Then, we went to my Mom's on the 23rd to stay the night. On Christmas Eve, the whole family on my Mom's side goes to my Grandmother's house for dinner and then we just sit around and visit, and sometimes play cards or the guys play their guitars. We were able to go and eat and visit for awhile before hitting the road back to Savannah.
We were glad we got to do Christmas Eve with my family and we're always glad to see Grandma, Uncle Patrick, and Moms. We'll be back soon!!!

We got back here around 10:30 that night and in order to keep Isaac from getting up at the crack of dawn, we let him stay up and play until around 11:15 or so. As it turns out, Isaac slept better and longer that night than he has his entire life!! He slept in his bed until around 8:15, then I brought him into our room. I wasn't sure if he'd go back to sleep or not, but he didn't and didn't even budge until 10:15!!! It worked out nice though because we were able to get up first and have the video camera rolling when he got out of bed. This is a shot of him while he was still snoozing. He fell Christmas Eve at my Grandmother's. He was playing with the other little ones there and wasn't watching where he was going and ran into one of those metal folding chairs that go with a card table. We were so afraid his whole eye would be black, but it was just pretty swollen and not nearly as bad as we thought it would be.

After we did Santa stuff at our house Christmas morning, we got dressed and headed into Savannah to go to MiMi and PawPaw's house. Uncle Derek, Aunt Jill, Jakob, and Ethan came in too and we all swapped gifts. As you can tell, Isaac LOVED the matching sweater and hat that Uncle Derek and Aunt Jill got him!!!

This was Isaac and Jakob just being silly. Isaac has started saying "cheese" whenever he sees a camera, but it's still hard sometimes to get him to actually look at the camera!!

Me and my sis-in-law, Jill, tried our best to get a decent picture of the 3 boys, but this was about the best we could do! It's nearly impossible to get them all to look at the camera at the same time!!
All in all, I will have to say that we had a wonderful Christmas. We got way more things than we needed, but we are grateful for everything, especially the time we got to spend with family. It's definitely hard being away from home, but it sure does make for some good times when I get to go back. I love you all and hope to see you again very soon!!


Make yourself comfy....

Ok, ok.......I know it's been a LONG time since I've posted anything. The truth is, between my new job and the holidays coming up, my spare time has been cut drastically. I have a lot of photos with this one and several updates so we can be completely caught up on things.

First, my Mom came to visit the first weekend in November. Isaac was very glad to see Grandma and as you can tell from the picture below, they had a big time playing. We're always glad to have grandparents come and visit!!!

This is a shot of Isaac on the rhino. He absolutely loves riding this thing and gets on it any chance he has. Even with it being cold out, Darren will let him ride from the garage onto the trailer, which is where this shot was taken. As you can tell, he's very happy to be there!!

This next one was taken after coming in from riding the rhino. I was pretty excited to get him looking at the camera, especially with a smile!! He's to the point now where if he sees me with a camera, he will completely ignore me until I put the camera down. I'm hoping he gets out of this phase very soon!!

This one was taken at Grandma's house over the Thanksgiving weekend. Me and Isaac went to Carthage for the weekend while Daddy stayed home and spent his time in the deer woods. Poor little Isaac still doesn't have very much hair at all, but we're slowly making some progress!!!

I took this next one at my grandmother's house after church that Sunday. This was the picture I had wanted to put on our Christmas cards, but Darren didn't like the outfit (he said it was too babyish) so I let him pick out the photo, which is how we ended up with a rhino photo on our cards!!

I'm afraid little Isaac is going to have a thing for shoes, just like his Daddy. If he sees a pair anywhere on the floor, he puts them on and tries to walk in them. He really likes Mommy's shoes that go "click-clack" when he walks on the hardwood. These pictures were just too cute not to post!!

I'm also afraid we have recently gotten into a bad habit. It started when Isaac was sick and he would wake up in the middle of the night. Me, being the softie that I am, couldn't stand to let my sick baby cry it out in his room so I would just put him in our bed. Well, it seems Isaac has picked up on this and even though he is now completely well (Halleighlujah!!!!), he still wakes at night and instead of making him stay in his room and losing sleep while he cries, I just put him in our bed. I love cuddling with him, but he tosses and turns so much in his sleep that none of us end up sleeping well except for him!! It's a habit we will soon have to break and I dread it so bad, but I know we will all be better off when we do. If you have any suggestions on doing this as smoothly as possible, please share!!! I took this shot one morning right before I had to get him up. Doesn't he look nice and comfy???

This is another new trick of Isaac's and I'm so glad that I got it captured in a photo. You can ask Isaac to show you his teeth, and this is what he does.....

Isn't that just the cutest?????

We took this one at his MiMi and PawPaw's house in front of one of their trees. He was trying to show his teeth in this one too, Mommy just wasn't fast enough with the camera.

This one was taken over the weekend at his MiMi and PawPaw's house too. I can't believe how big my little guy is getting!!

This one was taken Sunday before church and I can't believe how grown up he looks!!!

That's all that I have for now. We are going to my Dad's (PaPa's) this weekend to do Christmas so I'll try and update first part of next week with some more photos. This will be a big Christmas for Isaac since last year he really didn't have a clue what was going on. Also, our sitter, Ms. Michelle has started a blog for the daycare so you family and friends out there can keep up with us that way too. Her site is http://littlepeopleplaycare.blogspot.com so you'll have to check it out.