Now, Isaac's birthday was on June 3 and it blows my mind to think he's now 2. Where in the world does the time go? It really does fly by and as much as I'm looking forward to watching him grow and learn, I know it will go by in the blink of an eye and if I sit and think too long on it, tears definitely come to my eyes. On a lighter note, here is a picture of the birthday boy on his actual birthday.....(can't you tell he's just rotten??)
So, fast forward a few days 'til Saturday, the 6th. This was when we decided to have his party. My Mom, Grandmother, and brother all were able to come down for this so we were excited to see them all! Grandma and Moms were able to stay the night, but Patrick went back home to study for his state boards that he was taking this week. Isaac got some cool presents from them which included a new Wiggles DVD, a couple of trucks with trailers, and some $$$ to get a front-end loader to paly with in the yard. Sounds like a trip to Toys R Us is in our near future!! Anyway, back to the party info......One of Darren's old high school buddies has a business called Party Inflatables so we thought this might be fun to have for the party. This is what we got.....
It was a 16 foot slide that I would have thought Isaac would have just loved.........WRONG!!! He went down the thing one time with Darren and that was enough for him. He wouldn't go down it anymore all day!! He had much more fun playing with his riding toys and such outside. At least all the other kids seem to love it! I went down it myself and it was fun, but could easily see how it might be a little intimidating to a 2 year old.
Here are Isaac's cakes that we had made. Our sitter Michelle's sister made them for us. She did his cakes last year too and they were just wonderful!! Once again, I was very happy with how they turned out (and they tasted just as good as they looked!) Thank you Mrs. Teresa!!
Here is Isaac getting ready to blow the candles out on his cake. He was pretty amazed that all these people were singing the Happy Birthday song to him and he just kept looking around at everyone. It was cute!
Afterwards, the kids got ice cream cones and cake and as you can tell, Isaac definitely was enjoying his ice cream!!
Here's the birthday boy getting ready to open his gifts. He was pretty tired at this point because it was WAY past nap time, but he managed to muster up enough energy to open presents!!
This was Isaac after his bath that night........He definitely had a big day and was just completely pooped out. Thanks to everyone for coming and making his birthday so special!! We love you!