Ok all, just like I promised, I have finally finished this post. It is full of fun and I have lots of photos to share so get comfy, this may take awhile! You may have noticed I have changed my layout again. I decided it was time for a change and I liked the "fallish" colors in this design so I hope you enjoy it too! Me and Isaac are home today. He had a little round with what we think was a stomach bug yesterday. He seems to be much better now, but I kept him home today just in case. Anyway, this post should bring everyone up to date with what's been going on with us so I'll not keep you waiting any longer!!
This first photo is a the bargain I found for Isaac at a consignment sale back in September. He just LOVES his little Gator and rides it all over the yard! I was impressed at how good a driver he is already so come spring, he will be a pro!! (Notice how he's hauling his little 4-wheeler in the back end!)
Darren has been working on a play set for Isaac in the back yard. For those of you that have priced them, they are quite pricey so Darren decided to take it upon himself to just build one on his own. Isaac has been helping him and they've had such a good time with this project. Isaac will have a ball playing on it this spring when the weather is nice again.
The second weekend in October, we went to Grandma's (my Mom) house for the weekend to visit. We hadn't been there to Carthage since August so we were long overdue. We got in pretty late on Friday night, but made it in just fine. On Saturday, we had to get up and head to Murfreesboro for Jakob's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. We tried to get a family photo while we were all together, but Isaac wasn't cooperating very well. This one was the best we could get!
This was Isaac's first trip to Chuck E Cheese. By the look on his face, he was pretty overwhelmed when we first got there, but it didn't take him long to join in the fun! I think Darren had just as much fun as Isaac did, if not more!
Instead of a cake, Jakob had Spiderman cupcakes, some with red icing and the others had blue. Isaac chose a blue one and as you can see, he thoroughly enjoyed his cupcake! Happy Birthday to Jakob and thanks for inviting us to the party. We had a great time!!
After the party, we went back to Grandma's where we just visited for the rest of the evening. Moms (my grandmother) and Uncle Patrick came by too and it was so good to see them both. We got up Sunday and went to church and it's always good to be at my home church. It's funny how you take little things like going to church for granted when you are younger, only to miss them so very much when you are away and unable to go every week. As always, we went to my grandmother's house after church for Sunday dinner. I was able to snap a few photos of my little guy before we ate.
After we ate, Isaac was having a fit to go outside and play and since it was so nice and we had such a long drive ahead, we let him have at it. He was all over the yard playing with sticks and such and just had a ball. Although it was a quick trip, it's always nice to go home and hopefully, we will be back to visit soon.
The next weekend, we headed up to Papa (my dad) and Hope's (my step-mom) house for the weekend. Again, we got in fairly late on that Friday night, but Isaac did great on the trip in. We got up early on Saturday and headed out to MTSU to tailgate and watch the game against Mississippi State. Isaac had never been to a game before so we weren't too sure of how he would do, but of course, he did great!
Mama & Isaac before the game
Isaac & Papa tailgating
Amanda & Callie Grace at the game
Mama & DaDa
Family shot!!
This was one of my favorite pics of the day!!
Although MTSU lost, we still had a big time. After the game we headed back to Papa's house to visit and play the rest of the day. Isaac and Callie Grace got along great and just played and played. I love how you can see her MTSU bloomers and his MTSU socks in this shot.
Later, Isaac decided he was going to show Callie Grace how to dance. She wasn't too sure about this, but it was very cute anyway!!
Isaac and DaDa playing later that evening
I just think this one is precious!!
We headed back home that Sunday afternoon. Like always, it was good to visit and we hope to be back very soon. Thanks Papa, Hope, Amanda, and Callie Grace for such a great weekend!
Isaac ready to hit the road home with his shades on
Once we got home, we hurried to get Isaac into bed because he had a big day ahead of him. After a lot of thought and prayer, we decided to take him out of the home daycare setting and place him in a more structured environment. We placed him at Cumberland Child Development Center. This is a daycare/preschool located at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Savannah. The teach a Bible based curriculum and have lots of educational activities. I was a nervous wreck about him starting! He cried a little bit that first morning, but has done great every day since. He comes home most days with projects he has done at scool and always has a smile on his face. He loves his "new school" and Darren and I truly believe we made the right decision.
Last week, out of the blue one night, Isaac's breathing started sounding all croupy and congested. That morning, when he got up, his nose was just POURING so I asked him if needed to go to the doctor. His response was "No Mama, I had my flu shot!!!" I guess he remembered me telling him the flu shot would keep him from getting sick and he thought it would take care of ALL of his sickness!! Anyway, off to the doctor we went. Turns out he had a touch of a respiratoy infection and an ear infection. So, here we went again with another round of antibiotics and we were also doing breathing treatments for him at night to help with the croupy mess. He finally started doing better with that, thank goodness, but we still have the rest of the week to finish out our antibiotics.
This past Friday, Jakob, Ethan, Uncle Derek, and Aunt Jill came in to visit for the weekend. Isaac is always glad to get a visit from Jakob and so he stayed the night at his Mimi and PawPaw's house with them all on Friday night. On Saturday, he and Jakob went with the big guys out to the hunting club for the afternoon. They both had a big time out there and love to go any chance they get. When they finally came in, it was time to get them cleaned up and in their Halloween costumes. Needless to say, Isaac did much better this year than last year.
This was the best of MANY attempts to get the 3 boys in a photo together. Poor Ethan was not happy at all!!
This is my little lion!
Is he not just the cutest lion you have ever seen???
Anyway, all went well with them trick-or-treating, but they didn't last long because Isaac and Jakob had not had a nap that day so they were pretty worn out. Isaac stayed the night with them again and we thought all was well. Darren's Mom (Mimi) called us Sunday morning though and said that Isaac had thrown up twice during the night, but seemed to be ok now. We thought maybe he had just eaten too much junk the night before, but then she called again and said that shortly after he had been up awhile and eaten breakfast, he got sick again. Darren got dressed and went to town to pick him up. He came home and seemed to be ok, even though he was a little pale and just not quite himself. He wouldn't eat anything, but kept telling us he was thirsty so we just kept giving him liquids. A little bit later, he came into the den and was whining saying "Mama, I wanted you!!" I immediately picked him up and put him on my shoulder and almost instantly, he threw up again all over him, me, and the recliner we were sitting in. Luckily, Darren was close by and was able to help get us both cleaned up. He was a little puny the rest of the afternoon, but he never got sick again. He had a low grade temp last night so I dosed him with some Motrin. He slept pretty good last night too, but I stayed home with him today just to make sure.
This was the best of MANY attempts to get the 3 boys in a photo together. Poor Ethan was not happy at all!!
This is my little lion!
Is he not just the cutest lion you have ever seen???
Anyway, all went well with them trick-or-treating, but they didn't last long because Isaac and Jakob had not had a nap that day so they were pretty worn out. Isaac stayed the night with them again and we thought all was well. Darren's Mom (Mimi) called us Sunday morning though and said that Isaac had thrown up twice during the night, but seemed to be ok now. We thought maybe he had just eaten too much junk the night before, but then she called again and said that shortly after he had been up awhile and eaten breakfast, he got sick again. Darren got dressed and went to town to pick him up. He came home and seemed to be ok, even though he was a little pale and just not quite himself. He wouldn't eat anything, but kept telling us he was thirsty so we just kept giving him liquids. A little bit later, he came into the den and was whining saying "Mama, I wanted you!!" I immediately picked him up and put him on my shoulder and almost instantly, he threw up again all over him, me, and the recliner we were sitting in. Luckily, Darren was close by and was able to help get us both cleaned up. He was a little puny the rest of the afternoon, but he never got sick again. He had a low grade temp last night so I dosed him with some Motrin. He slept pretty good last night too, but I stayed home with him today just to make sure.
So, here we are, completely up to date again! Again, I apologize for the great length of this post, but as you can see, we've been quite busy lately, thus the reason for my lack in posting. Hopefully, the sickness bug will leave us alone for awhile and my little man will get better soon. Keep your fingers crossed for us and until next time....