On Good Friday, me and the kids headed out to Grandma's for the weekend. Daddy decided to stay home this trip so it was just us three. We left a little after lunch, which is Layla's usual naptime and thankfully, she slept the entire way. Driving 3 hours by yourself with 2 little ones can sometimes be nerve-wrecking, but we managed just fine.
We really didn't do anything out of the ordinary while we were there, but as always, it's good to visit with family, especiallyl when you don't get to see them too often.
Miss Layla getting bathed in Grandma's sink
And of course, the Easter Bunny made a visit to Grandma's house and brought them both lots of goodies. When Isaac woke up, I told him to come and look by the door. When he saw all the goodies, he said "Mama, did Santa Clause come to Grandma's house?"
We tried to do lots of pictures before church since this was Layla first Easter, but she wasn't in the cooperative mood and neither was her brother. We got a few decent ones so I guess I can't complain too much, but they weren't nearly as good as the ones I had planned out in my mind!
After church, we went to Moms' house for a wonderful lunch. We didn't get to visit very long after that because we had to get on the road back to Savannah.
It's always good to go home and visit and no matter how long I have been gone, Carthage will always be my home. I hope my children will grow to love it as much as I do. I can't imagine having grown up any other place and hope I can pass the same beliefs and values on to my own children that I learned growing up. They are some of the most important life lessons and I'm so very thankful I was raised in an area that allowed me to be exposed to them.