Well, once again, I have fallen behind on things. Sorry! This is my second week at my new job and things are going pretty good so far. Still trying to get in a routine and learn new people, but I have no complaints. Darren's brother and his family came in last weekend so Isaac had a big time playing with Jakob. He still doesn't quite know what to think of baby Ethan. He just points at him and says "baby". Isaac also got to go to a birthday part on Saturday. Our sitter's little boy turned 4 and they had a little party. Isaac had a big time there and I took pictures. My camera battery is charging at the moment, but I will get them posted soon. Also, Isaac hasn't quite been himself for at least a couple of weeks now. I just thought he was teething and I think that's part of it. Part of it is also allergies. Poor little fella's nose has just been pouring lately, but that's getting better too. Sunday evening, he spiked a fever and once again, I just thought it was his teeth. Then, Monday evening, all these spots started appearing, mostly in the diaper area and a few around his mouth. I thought it might have been a reaction to a new bubble bath I had used with him. We got up Tuesday and he looked about the same, but Ms. Michelle (our sitter) called and said he was really fussy and snotty. We thought he might feel better after a nap, but he seemed to feel worse so my mother-in-law went and picked him up early. By this time, the spots are more defined and there are more of them. Luckily, he was scheduled for a well-child exam and shots at the doctor on Wednesday. After checking him over, she said he had a classic, text book case of hand, foot, and mouth disease. Yuck!! The thing is, now that his fever is gone, he's no longer contagious and there's nothing that will help now except for time. Poor little guy looks pitiful though!!! He has spots on his face, his little booty, his hands, and his feet. They look bad, but the doctor said they aren't painful at least. His ears looked great (woo hoo!!) He also weighed 24 lbs and was 31 1/2 inches tall. I can't believe my little guy is 15 months old now. Everyone always told me how fast time would go, but I never dreamed it would fly by like this. I promise to have pictures uploaded soon. Hope all is well with everyone and I will be back again soon.....