The weekend of President's Day, we got a new vehicle. We decided that with all the trips to middle TN to see my family, the Murano was just getting a little bit tight. We found this awesome deal in Tupelo, MS and went to look at it, and ended up driving it home!! It's a 2007 Tahoe and I love it! It took some getting used to at first, but it's second nature to me now!!
Also in the month of February, we got a new niece!! Miss Callie Grace Holcomb was born on February 22nd to my step-sister Amanda. Mom and baby are both doing fine. Unfortunately, we haven't gotten to see her yet, but hopefully soon we will get to meet her!!
These next shots are some we took on our last trip to Carthage. We always have a good time visiting Grandma, Uncle Patch, and Moms. The time is always way too short though!! This photo below is Isaac when we got to Moms's house after church. He's looking pretty innocent here, huh??
These photos were taken of Isaac the very same day, after eating lunch and getting a little bit of energy! She has an old cedar chest that she uses as a coffee table in here living room and Isaac had a blast climbing on it and jumping onto the couch. We have several photos of this as this is a trick that his PaPa Murf taught him. Thanks PaPa!!! :)
This one here I took one night when Isaac was getting ready to go to bed. He was being such a sweetheart (like always) and I just couldn't resist taking some shots!!
This was Isaac the very next morning!! I thought it was hilarious that he was using Darren to sleep on. Yes, Isaac is in the bed with us. He ALWAYS starts out in his room, but with the exception of a rare occasion now and then, usually ends up in our bed. Yes, I know this is a bad habit to get in and I know he will be hard to break. That part I am definitely dreading, but at the same time, I know that a day will come when he will be "too big" or "too grown up" to want to sleep and cuddle with Mommy and Daddy so I figure I better take advantage of him while he's still little and willing!! (By the way though, if you have any trick on coaxing him back to sleeping in his own bed and his own room, please share!!!)
These next ones really have no specific occasion. I just liked the pictures!!
Again, I know it's been a long time since I last posted and I do apologize. It usually seems the only time I have to do this is when Isaac has gone to bed, but by that point, I'm usually exhausted myself and am not far behind him in getting some sleep!! I hope this weather continues because my little man just LOVES it! We are supposed to go to a wedding this weekend and if all goes well, I'll definitely have some more photos to post afterwards. Good night and much love to you all!!
I love the pictures of him jumping to the couch. They are so funny!
I love your new ride too!!
Oh my jumping off the table! That is hilarious!
I know you have got to be enjoying your new truck, I LOVE it!
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