
Happy Birthday Ethan!

Our nephew Ethan's party was on Saturday, April 13th this year. We usually make a weekend trip when his party rolls around, but this year, Darren had to work on Saturday so we just decided to make a day trip out of it and go up for the day. 
We were ready to hit the road once Darren got off at noon. We were a bit late, but if you know us very well at all, that is quite the norm. Anyway, the kids has a ball playing outside and the weather was just perfect.
Isaac actually ended up staying the night and coming home on Sunday with Mimi and PawPaw, who had been there all weekend.
On Sunday, Darren got up and went turkey hunting so it was just me and Layla. She kept asking me "Where's Isaac?" all throughout the day. She definitely missed her brother and was so happy to see him when he got home.

Layla & Daddy checking out the chicken coop...
...and apparently while they were down there Layla decided she had to pee and just dropped everything. I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go!

PawPaw, Layla, & Daddy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved catching up on you and your sweet little ones! This picture of Layla taking care of business is hilarious! I love the freedom of kiddos! When you gotta go, you gotta go!! haha! too sweet!