
Boy or Girl???

Well, this past Friday, I had my appointment with the specialist for my ultrasound. The days and weeks leading up to this appointment filled me with much anxiety and anticipation, but Darren kept reminding me things would be ok and God would take care of us, no matter what the outcome. So, the news is.........everything looked completely fine and normal!! He said he saw a few remnants of the membrane they had spotted on the first ultrasound, but it was nothing to be concerned about and he didn't see any reason for me to come back to him. He though we would finish out the rest of the pregnancy with Dr. Mic and everything would be fine. I can't tell you how much relief this brought me!! Thank you all for your prayers and support. Also, they were able to tell us one other piece of important information. Baby Howard #2 is going to be a..................GIRL!!! We are so excited and thrilled that our little family will have a boy and a girl. As for me, I'm still throwing up everything, but my days aren't filled with quite as much nausea as they were. Guess by now I should know it's just something I need to get used to until September gets here and this baby girl makes her debut. We have been throwing around a couple of names, but we aren't decided on one yet. If you have any suggestions, please share!! Also, my Mom and Grandmother came to visit for the weekend and we all had a very good visit. We hadn't seen them since Christmas (I know, waaaaaaay too long!) and we had some long overdue catching up to do. We love you Grandma and Moms and hope to see you both again very soon!!

Also, Isaac has said some more funnies lately. He told my Mom he was having a baby brother and when she asked him what his name was going to be, he told her "Superman"! Then, she asked him what if the baby was a sister instead. His response was "I'm not having a baby sister at my house!" Guess we have some work to to before she gets here!

Lastly, I want to give a quick thank you to Mrs. Julianne. I got the sweetest card a couple of weeks ago and I just want you to know how much that meant to me. I was in a pretty low spot at that time and your note definitely lifted my spirits. Thank you again, it meant the world to me!!


Susan said...

I'm glad everything went good at your ultrasound. Congrats on a GIRL! How exciting. I hope you get to feeling better soon too!

Holli said...

Yeahhhhhh for a little girl! I know your little man is a sweetie but you are so much like me in that you NEED a girl!! Bows, pink, polka dots, ruffles and I could go on and on!! So glad she is doing good too and for you dear friend it will all be worth it!! Hang in there! Love ya!!!

Zan said...

You are so sweet to mention me on your blog. I am incredibly thankful that all looked well on the ultrasound...and the news of a precious little GIRL! I hope the rest of your pregnancy will go smoothly and sweet Isaac's little sister will make her debut healthy and at just the right time. Love you.